Roses are red, violets are blue. Kids love sports, and we do too!
We love the smell of a new baseball glove, we love the squeaks of tennis shoes on the gym floor, and we love hearing whistles in our sleep. Sports are our one true love and in honor of Valentine’s Day we’re sharing why recreational youth sports are our valentine this year:
V – Values
Youth sports are about more than just winning, they are about learning new skills, staying active, and learning how to be part of a team. Recreational sports teach respect, integrity, and other valuable life lessons!
A – Age appropriate instruction
Youth sports should focus on the physical and emotional development of children at each age in order to boost their confidence and help them form a lifelong love of sports.
L – Low Pressure
Recreational sports leagues give kids the opportunity to try new activities without placing a large time commitment on families. Children practice once per week, which lets them look forward to practices and avoid burnout.
E – Enthusiasm
This is one of the nine sportsmanship values of i9 Youth Sports. We believe kids should be excited about what they’re doing! Whether it’s playing their favorite sport, rooting for their teammates, or learning a new skill, energy and enthusiasm are key.
N – No negativity!
Recreational sports allow families to avoid hyper-competitive leagues and the negativity that often accompanies them. Our Parental Pledge acknowledges that the most important aspect of any game is for the players to have fun!
T – Teamwork
You can’t have a sports team without teamwork. Learning to work together is not only important from an athletic perspective, it is a value that will help your child for the rest of their life. Recreational sports teach kids that everyone contributes to the success of a team and supporting your teammates is always a win!
I – Inclusivity
Our youth sports leagues don’t require tryouts or drafts which means everyone gets to play. Children are given playing time every game, so there are no ‘bench-warmers’. Children also have the opportunity to rotate positions which highlights the importance of each role on a team.
N – Non-Contact
Safety is sometimes overlooked when it comes to youth sports. Our recreational sports leagues are non-contact, which allows kids to focus on skill-building without the increased risk of injury or concussion.
E – Emphasis on fun
The top priority of youth sports is for your child to have fun! Kids who develop a love of sports when they are young are more likely to continue playing throughout their lifetime. Recreational youth sports create a fun environment where kids can try something new, make friends, and build skills without the pressure to be the best.