South Flower Mound/Coppell - Baseball League - Summer 2025

Flower Mound Korean Church

Program Info




There will be no programs on Sat, Jul 5, 2025

On game day - held prior to game

Ages 3-4: Will start between 8:00 AM and 12:00 PM

Ages 5-6: Will start between 8:00 AM and 12:00 PM

Co-ed Ages 3 - 6

Age as of 07/19/2025

Location Info

Registration Info

$136.00 if paid by 02/15/2025

$146.00 if paid by 03/29/2025

$156.00 if paid by 05/10/2025

$166.00 if paid after 05/10/2025

A multi-registration discount of $10.00 will be automatically applied to additional registrations that start within 30 days of the initial registration. Exclusions based on program type may apply.

*After this date, any remaining spots will be filled on a first come, first served basis.All players will be placed on a team based on DOB/grade entered in the registration process
Welcome to the 2025 i9 Sports Summer T-Ball/Modified Coach Pitch!

You will find that i9 Sports is an exciting alternative to other leagues, because we offer the features you value most:

- Unsurpassed organization and communication
- Emphasis on fun that places the kids' needs first

- Focus on basic skills, sportsmanship, team play and fairness
- Convenience (practices and games on the same day)
- Inclusiveness (balanced playing time for every player, every game)
- Commitment to safety (mandatory certified background checks on all coaches)

League Format:
AGES 3-4 - T-Ball
  • 60 minutes of playing time (30 minute practice, 30 minute game).
  • All children play the entire game, in the field and at bat.
  • All batters swing until they hit the ball off the tee.
  • Each team bats until the entire line-up has hit each inning. No outs will be recorded. 
  • All players rotate positions in the field each inning (There is no catcher position in T-Ball).
All coaches and parents are allowed on the field as needed to assist.
  • Each player is responsible to bring his or her own baseball glove.
  • We provide all other equipment (i.e. T-Balls, Bats, Batting Helmets, etc.)
  • The type of ball we use is a safe, soft T-Ball (Type “RIF-Level 1”) played on a grass field.
  • Protective cups are optional, but recommended.
  • Sneakers or rubber cleats may be worn. No metal spikes!
  • No player may wear any type of metal objects or jewelry.
AGES 5-6 - Modified Coach Pitch
  • 75 minutes of playing time (30 minute practice, 45 minute game).
  • All children shall play the entire game, in the field and at bat.
  • The coach will throw 3 pitches to his own players. If unsuccessful, a tee is used until the player hits the ball.
  • Each team bats until the entire line-up has hit each inning. No outs will be recorded. 
  • All players rotate positions in the field each inning.
  • All coaches and parents are allowed on the field as needed to assist.
  • Each player is responsible to bring his or her own baseball glove.
  • We provide all other equipment (i.e. T-Balls, Bats, Batting Helmets, etc.)
  • The type of ball we use is a safe, soft T-Ball (Type “RIF-Level 1”) played on a grass field.
  • Protective cups are optional, but recommended.
  • Sneakers or rubber cleats may be worn. No metal spikes!
  • No player may wear any type of metal objects or jewelry.

Equipment: The league provides each player with an official i9 Sports reversible jersey and baseball cap that your kids get to keep. Players may wear shorts or sweats of any type. For your convenience, you can purchase OPTIONAL i9 Sports shorts that meet the above standards during the online registration process. Appropriate footwear includes football/soccer rubber cleats (no metal). Each player is responsible for providing their own glove.

Awards: Each week one kid from each team will be awarded an i9 Sports Sportsmanship Medal for demonstrating the value for that week. All kids will receive an i9 Sports Participation Trophy.

Coaches: All coaches, usually a volunteer parent of a child playing on the team, will receive mandatory certified background checks. Please consider volunteering! Coaches will find the experience personally rewarding.
Interactive Website: You can register to play, access schedules, view standings and team/player statistics, review game rules, and get the latest league news at our state-of-the-art website. The website is updated on a regular basis so please check the site often

Weather Cancellations:
There is one weather make-up date built into the schedule.  If we lose a weekend of games to weather, we will make them up on this date.  Any additional dates lost may or may not be made up.  We will do the best we can, but we cannot control the weather.  Because of all of the costs built into running the leagues, we cannot provide refunds for dates missed.  We will do all we can to make all the games happen.
Registration/Refund Policy:
After the final deadline, any remaining available positions will be filled on a first come, first served basis. If you registered after the deadline, you may still make buddy or coach requests, but they are not guaranteed. There will be NO REFUNDS after the deadline. If for any reason your child can no longer participate, we can transfer your child’s registration to another sport or season.
  • Programs are run: Outdoors
  • Restrooms: Available on premises
  • Seating: Very limited; please bring a chair to ensure your comfort
EquipmentProvided BySold at the Field
i9 Sports Jersey
Included In Your Fee
i9 Sports Hat
Included In Your Fee
Baseball Glove
Provided by Parent
Shorts, Baseball Pants, or Sweatpants (any color)
Provided by Parent
Sneakers or Rubber Soled Cleats
Provided by Parent
Provided for Your Use
Batting Helmet
Provided for Your Use
Protective Cup
Provided by Parent

About i9 Sports® Programs At
Flower Mound Korean Church

Just behind the Flower Mound Korean Church on 3040, we conduct all the action on beautiful grass fields on Saturdays. Access to church restrooms & plenty of nearby parking. Light concessions sold at our i9 tent. No bleachers so fans are encouraged to bring their favorite lawn chair...Wonderful family setting!

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