Rochester Hills Youth Sports Programs

Youth Sports Available at Avondale Middle School

Avondale Middle School provides easily accessible, wide-open field space right off of Auburn Rd (between Livernois and Crooks). i9 Sports offers basketball, flag football, soccer, and baseball for boys and girls age 3 - 13 (note that certain sports are played during different seasons of the year). The outdoor fields at Avondale Middle School are located in the very back parking lot (directly in front of the school). You will not be able to see the fields from Auburn Rd, so you will need to drive to the back of the parking lots to enter the fields. i9 Sports staff members line the playing fields for each sport which helps provide the best experience for the kids where...they feel like they are just like the Pros! Our experienced i9 Sports Paid Instructors work with our volunteer coaches to bring fun, excitement, and professional instruction each week, and are looking forward to working with you and your kids at the field! Get registered today and come visit the red i9 Sports canopy on opening day!

See Available Youth Sports Programs at Avondale Middle School

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Indoors or Outdoors
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